THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Thanks to everyone who came out and showed some love to the Ironman athletes as they stopped by Bike Special Needs. Without all those volunteers, it couldn’t have happened! It’s our prayer that your “work” on Sunday was not work, but worship and service. All the times that the athletes thanked you […]


Be a part of TEAM IRONSHEEP 2013 Details: Ironman this year is on Sunday, August 25th, 2013. We are going to need several waves of volunteers starting at 9:00am for setup all the way through the last cyclists with cleanup (3:30pm). Sign up here – select the “Bike Special Needs Bags – Sweaty Sheep” option […]

Thanks to all you beautiful people who stopped by the Derby Marathon expo booth this weekend! We hope your race went well. It was a blessing to hear your prayers, watch you run, and to have the city blessed by the prayers of thousands of feet running by. Lots of people asked about some of […]

Words cannot express the range and depths of our emotions after the tragedy at the Boston Marathon. But in prayer we can begin to find a way forward through violence and death. This is why we’re inviting everyone who’s around to come to Fleet Feet at 2239 Taylorsville Rd on Wednesday at 6:00 for a […]

May 11th Fun Day!!

  Register at Time to Run!!! Time to Smile!!! Time to have fun Barren Heights Style…..The 2013 Barren Heights Fun Festival and fundraiser happens May 11, in Louisville, KY.  So mark your calendars. We are combining the 5k Run with a Barren Heights reunion typically held on Memorial Day. This day promises to be […]


“Is the spring coming?” he said. “What is it like?”… “It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…” -The Secret Garden It is marathon month here in the Derby City!! We pray that you are all injury free, divinely energized, and taking the time during those training runs […]

The holidays have passed and the new year has begun. Make it your resolution this year to be more involved with your team! We are starting up some great classes at Cardinal Towne this month, 325 cardinal blvd. Monday is zumba, Tuesday’s will be group run or spin night (your choice,) weds yoga, and Thursday […]

The Merry Christmas 5k is this Saturday, December 22nd, at 3:30 PM, starting by the Belle of Louisville. Register online at or download the flyer here, print it out, and bring it with you on Saturday! Registration is only $10 in advance and only $15 on the day of the race! And don’t forget […]

It’s Advent, so that means there are plenty of ways to help out the less fortunate. But what would be more fun than a 5k? Join us Saturday, December 22nd at 3:30 for the Sweaty Sheep Merry Christmas 5k! Register at, learn more here, or print off a flyer for your church/friends/random strangers at […]

The season of Christmas is almost upon us! Here’s your shopping list: Concert Tickets:“Do You See What I See?” on December 15th. This concert is sponsored by Angels in Disguise with pianist and composer Eric Genuis! Sweaty Sheep is selling tickets for only $15 per person, and proceeds will benefit Sweaty Sheep and multiple Down […]