
“Is the spring coming?” he said. “What is it like?”…
“It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…”

-The Secret Garden

Spring is about seeking

Now that the easter egg hunts are over…

It is marathon month here in the Derby City!! We pray that you are all injury free, divinely energized, and taking the time during those training runs to smell the flowers on occasion! Make sure to visit us at the Derby running expo on the 25th and 26th (to say hi and get this years super cool Sweaty Sheep tattoo,) and mark your calendars for post-race Sunday when we will be taking over Central Presbyterian Church’s 11 am service!!

Get Info on our training retreat at pyoca May 24-25th!!  pyoca tri info

And with seeking in mind… make sure to read this month’s Epistle