Wally the Wave!

Take a quick gander at our 1st ever CHILDRENS BOOK! Explore themes of inclusivity with ‘WALLY THE WAVE‘ in this co-created work by Pastor Ryan and Noah (whose painting partnership represents the work’s mission to overcome ‘special needs’ labels by sharing in one another’s ‘special gifts’!) Experience a free pdf and video reading with a […]

California Events

Our Volunteer lead Santa Cruz Sweaty Sheep Program continues to grow, but not without you!!!    Email Ryan@saltysheep.org if you’d like to learn more about the program or have an interest in leading any number of fun, formative, playful meet ups/intentional communities!    We want everything from board games to dancing, Art to hiking, sailing and surfing […]


RUNPOSSIBLE: 1029 S Preston St. In Louisville, Sweaty Sheep launched RunPossible, a program partnered with St. Vincent De Paul that provides mentorship and wellness opportunities to individuals facing homelessness and/or working towards sobriety and self-sustainability by pairing each with local community members such as YOU.  Through running and walking, Yoga, Zumba, nutritional education, and personal relationships […]


It’s that time of year again! Ironman is October 15th, and there’s a ton of ways to get involved! First of all – if you’re doing Ironman, let us know on Facebook or by sending us an email.

Pinkerton Raid Concert

Come out this Thursday for a concert and bourbon cook-off! Jesse DeConto, writer for Christian Century and indie musician, will share his stories through song. Come listen to his band, Pinkerton Raid, eat some great food, and taste home-brewed beer at Calvin Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, this Thursday at 6:00!

Join us in May for runPossible – a run/walk ministry for the disadvantaged. We’ll meet at 6:00AM Wednesday mornings at Wayside on Broadway. Click here to volunteer or learn more!

Puerto Rico!

Sweaty Sheep is sending a mission trip to Puerto Rico March 17-24. Pray for them as they work with Presbyterians around San Juan, and click the donate button on this page if you’d like to support them!